Imagine Citizens Network involvement to bring Care Opinion from the United Kingdom to Canada is to honor the memory and legacy of Charlie Fischer, a founding member of the Imagine Citizens Network.
Care Opinion Canada embodies the values that Charlie Fischer held close. Charlie imagined high-quality and appropriate healthcare for all. He imagined this as possible through a healthcare system that respects Albertans' lived experiences. He imagined a healthcare system with a deep-seated intention to listen, to learn and to respond.
When Charlie Fischer passed in 2020, it led to a discussion with his family about identifying a project through which to honor Charlie’s legacy and the financial contributions that individuals and organizations in Charlie’s network had contributed to his memory. Imagine Citizens Network has been immensely grateful for the continuing relationship with and support from, Charlie’s wife (Joanne Cuthbertson) and daughters Kate and Lindsay.
The launch of the Care Opinion Canada program is proudly supported by these financial contributions from Charlie’s network.
So how does this align with Imagine Citizens Network?
The Care Opinion Canada platform aligns with the Imagine Citizens Network mission by providing a platform that embodies the guiding themes of Listen, Learn, Link, and Lead.
Care Opinion Canada will facilitate a space where individuals can share their healthcare experiences, which directly supports ICN’s goal to listen to Albertans and shape healthcare change. By offering insights from patients, the Care Opinion Canada program enables the healthcare system to learn and take ownership of improvements.
Furthermore, Care Opinion Canada serves as a link between patients, healthcare providers, and organizations, fostering community-level change and collaboration. Healthcare providers can respond directly to patient feedback in this safe space.
Care Opinion Canada is supported by both Alberta Health and Alberta Innovates.
Read Imagine Citizens Network memorium of Charlie Fischer.
At the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine, gifts in memory of Charlie Fischer will be directed to the IMAGINE Citizens Collaborating for Health initiative at the O’Brien Institute for Public Health.
Honoring Charlie Fischer
Honoring Charlie Fischer Care Opinion Canada +617 3354 4525 /content/ca/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion Canada
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